Via Plebiscito 2 - 91026 Mazara del Vallo TP
Copyright Multiverso srls 2020 - All Right Reserved
MULTIVERSO srls - Sede legale e amministrativa Via Guido D'Orso, 91026 MAZARA DEL VALLO TP - C.F. e P.I. 02746030812
Reg. imprese di Trapani nr. 02746030812 - R.E.A. TP 193985 - PEC:
Copyright Multiverso srls 2020 - All Right Reserved
MULTIVERSO srls - Sede legale e amministrativa Via Guido D'Orso, 91026 MAZARA DEL VALLO TP - C.F. e P.I. 02746030812
Reg. imprese di Trapani nr. 02746030812 - R.E.A. TP 193985 - PEC:
€15.90 (In Stock)
Fairy tales and timeless Sicilian ,stories collected and translated with love directly from the elders of a Sicilian family.
This collection makes sense, especially in its intimate, familiar nature of the vast Sicilian stories' panorama. It is almost a testament to memories of a time devoted to telling oral tradition stories, time and time again.
This book is also a testimony to a now rare, age-old custom: grown-ups telling tales to young people and, through those tales, dispensing past generations' wisdom.
It is recommended for grown-ups who are still children at heart and children who are not yet too grown.
Enjoy it!